1- Hospital Housekeeping
2 - Housekeeping Department and Communication
3 - Cleanliness and Hygiene
4 - Body Mechanics
5 - Equipment required for Housekeeping and their uses
6 - Cleaning Procedures - Part 1
7 - Cleaning Procedure - Part 2
8 - Maintaining a floor
9 - Cleaning Special Areas
10 - Cleaning the Hospital Kitchen and Dining Area
11 - Safety and Security
12 - Maintenance of Drinking Water Supply System
13 - Cleaning the septic tank
14 - Linen Management
15 - Waste Management
16 - Pest Control
17 - Infection Control
18 - General Maintenace Department
19 - Creating Good Anbience in the Hospital Area
20 - Horticulture and Gardening
21 - Hospitality and Event Management
22 - Housekeeping Management
- Organising a housekeeping department
- Job descriptions
- Responsibilities of the housekeeping department
- Qualities required for housekeeper
- Recruitment, selection and training of manpower
- Supervision and evaluation of staff
- Organisation of work
- Inter departmental communication
- Housekeeping and other departments